Guidelines for effective cooking

Cooking is an art of preparing and presenting food in such way that no one can resist from tasting it. Having a magic in your hands to activate taste buds of diners is a different thing but arrangement of your kitchen and your presence of mind while cooking may impress many. Along with this, you will also cherish cooking if you get everything at the right place. For this, you will have to be little careful and alert. I will help you with some tips if you really want the time in kitchen to be easy and convenient.

First of all, arrange all your kitchen appliances in a manner that they are visible as well as provide you enough space for cooking. Place ovens and blenders in readymade open cabins from where they can be used easily and without shifting.

Full size ovens are not used frequently in your day to day life. From preparing normal to medium meals, small micro waves and ovens will serve you best. Then, why increase your electricity bills with big ovens? Get smaller and cheaper one for you as soon as you can. Or if you possess both sizes, use smaller one.

For gas cooking, you should use pressure cookers. It builds steam pressure; it cooks at higher temperature, consumes less time, and needs less energy. Use the smallest pan for cooking. They also save energy. Use matched sized pan over electric-cook top. For instance, 5” pan on 9” burner will wastes about 60% of heat.

If you possess self cleaning ovens, just use the feature immediately after you have cooked your meal. It will be easy and less energy consuming if you will clean it when it is hot. In case of microwaves, always keep inner surface clean so that cooking takes less time and electricity.

Overcooking spoils the taste and presentation of food. Use timers and thermometers as far as possible. Do not put prepared dish in some other container after cooking. It lowers its efficiency. You can use ceramic or glass pans directly for baking but cook your item at not more than 25 degree F temperature. It will give delicious taste and fragrance to your dish.

If you are reheating already prepared food, take it out of the refrigerator or the freezer about 20-30 minutes in advance, so that it comes to normal temperature and demand less fuel. Try to avoid frequent peeking inside the oven while cooking something. It takes long time to cook in this way. Do not use foils and additional coverings. Allow free air circulations inside oven for quick cooking.

These guidelines must be followed by everyone. It will definitely help you to become a wiser cook and save you heaps of energy, time and obviously power bills


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