3 Huge Reasons To Use Three-Way Calls To Build Your Worldventures Business

As a network marketer, one of the most powerful tools in your tool-belt is the three-way call. When leveraged the right way, three-way calls are extremely powerful and effective. In this simple article, I want to share three reasons why you should use three-way calls to build your Worldventures business:

Reason #1: It's The Best Way To Learn - It's been said that one hour in the field is better than ten hours in the classroom. In other words, you can read scripts and ask your sponsor what to say or how to say it... But none of that comes close to actually listening to them on the phone or listening to them answer a prospect's questions LIVE. Do you truly want to learn how to professionally handle a prospect's concerns and questions? Stop reading about what to say and get someone on the phone with your sponsor. Trust me, you'll get more from listening to that five-minute phone call than any script you can find.

Reason #2: Get Yourself Out Of The Way - If you've been in Worldventures for more than 30 days, chances are you've heard the term "recruit up". If you want to explode and get into momentum fast, you have to "recruit up". In other words, you want to recruit, or sponsor, people that are leaders, centers of influences and people that have threads of success in their backgrounds. With that said, you're probably wondering how you can sponsor people like that if you're just getting started and don't have an established track record. Here's how: You get out of the way! Learn how to edify your sponsor and three-way call them onto the line... and shut up! Using your sponsor to help you "recruit up" is 100 times more effective than you trying to recruit them by yourself. Don't let your ego stop you from bringing someone into your business that can potentially be a superstar just because you tried to recruit them by yourself!

Reason #3: Let Someone Else Be "The Closer" - If you have the type of personality that's afraid to ask for the prospect's business or maybe you're not confidant enough yet to go for the "close", let your sponsor be the "bad guy". Assuming you've done your job and edified your sponsor right, you'll discover that they will have no problem "closing" your prospects for you.

In closing, I want to encourage you to start using three-way calls when you're building your Worldventures business. Assuming you edifying your sponsor and setting up the process right, you'll start to see great results and you'll also notice that your closing ration will start increasing, too.

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Source: http://www.articletrader.com

Source: http://www.articletrader.com/internet/online-business/3-huge-reasons-to-use-three-way-calls-to-build-your-worldventures-business.html

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