Best techniques for cooking

In the past cooking was considered to be the essential duty of mothers and wives. But with the progress of time, it has developed into an art, an art to convert raw food into something that people would enjoy eating, while retaining its maximum nutritive value. Now, cooking refers to the process of choosing, leveling and combining of different edible ingredients in an order that gives us desired results.

Common techniques of cooking requires application of heat to food stuff, which may not chemically change it but always change its appearance, texture, color, taste and nutritional properties. Thus, those techniques should be applied in cooking that lead to less amount of nutrition loss.

Various common techniques that are used in our day to day life are baking, frying, and boiling. First we will talk about cooking of food by boiling. Boiling further includes number of techniques in itself. If you have ever done cooking or read about it somewhere, you surely heard about steaming, simmering, pressure cooking, stewing and steeping. Let me tell about all these boiling techniques and then you decide which one is the better option for you to use.

In boiling, we cook material by heating it in required proportion of water. Steaming is something different, as very little amount of water and time is used while heating. So, we do not need to drain out excessive water as we do in boiling. It saves the nutritive value of food stuff because, while heating, there’s excess loss of nutrition from food stuff. However, pressure cooking is widely acceptable every where now. It is rated above boiling and steaming. In pressure cooking, we used pressure cookers that build pressure inside container resulting in quick cooking and less evaporation of nutrition.

Another cooking technique is frying. In frying, food is cooked by heating it in excess or little quantity of oil. Depending upon quantity of oil and temperature of heating, it is classified into two methods, deep frying and shallow frying. Deep frying is done in excessive amount of oil at very high temperature of about 100 degree Celsius. For instance, preparation of Manchurian or chips. On other hand, shallow frying means heating food stuff at temperature of 15 to 25 degree with addition of little amount of oil again and again. For example, we shallow fry omelets.

Many of you may have a belief that deep fried preparations of food involve more cholesterol than shallow fried items. But the food science said just opposite. According to food scientists, shallow fried food is slowly prepared and absorbs more oil. So, there is high loss of nutrition and more absorption of oil. On other side, deep frying is a quick process so inner contents of food are not supposed to absorb oil quickly which retains possible amount of proteins and vitamins within food. Baking is healthier way to prepare your food. Although it is time consuming procedure it is very nutritious and includes lowest amount of oils.

You can cook your food with any one of above mentioned technique but just take into account that the method that you are using for cooking should not destroy the entire nutritional properties of the food item


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