N1Way --The number one way to make money online

N1Way money making guide has been created by the same people who created the ‘Build A Niche’ Store. According to the creators, the 118 page guide takes advantage of the largest money making opportunity that exists online - buyers who are researching and purchasing products from online vendors. In this guide you will learn in a step-by-step manner how to not only make money from this opportunity, but how to grow a solid and predictable online business.

The "N1WAY Method", therefore, teaches you how to identify the products that people are searching for online, which you can target and make money from by creating small content driven affiliate websites. The program consists of 10 components.

Step 1:
Getting Started
The first component of the program is an introduction to the whole N1 money making concept. You will learn about the money making opportunities and how to make profits from them.

Step 2
Choose a Market
The pick a market section consists of 10 pages that show you how to target a market and make money from it.

Step 3
Website Planning
Picking a niche of your choice is the first step; the next step is to gain knowledge about it through research. In this 14 page section you will learn how to create a development plan for the website that is going to make you money.

Step 4
Content Creation
The content that is displayed on your website should be of quality and not fluff. This section shows you how you can quickly create quality content.

Step 5

Website Development
The 37 pages of this section show you how you can create a proper website and launch it. It shows you the entire website building process using both Wordpress (with phpBay) and Build A Niche Store.

Step 6

This 8 page section shows you how to use the "forwards and backwards” referencing technique to market your newly launched website.

Step 7


This section covers the managing aspect and shows you how you can manage your multiple websites while focusing on the creation of new ones.

Step 8

Next 9 Sites

After you have successfully created one website, you will learn to create 9 more in this section.

Step 9
Shows you how to increase the productivity level and make much more money by outsourcing the time consuming tasks to experts.

Step 10

It’s a Business
This section teaches you how to treat your websites as a business and includes step-by-step advice on how to get your websites to make 7 figure incomes.

The N1WAY’ is a comprehensive guide that teaches tested techniques on how to make large profits from developing your own small websites. The price of the package is $24.95.


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