Clever Plug-ins for Wordpress-SEO Booster PRO

The next step after choosing a topic and creating a Wordpress blog about it is to optimize it so that more people can see what you have to offer. This can be either done manually or with the help of software that automatically performs different SEO functions. If you have few blogs then it may be easy for you to do everything on your own, but if you are running a large number of blogs then automated software can be very useful thing to have. SEO Booster is one such software offered by It tracks, analyzes and utilizes the incoming searches from the search engines.

CleverPlugins develop WordPress plugins that can help you in your work or automate different function that you need to perform as a Blogger. Here are the different ways in which SEO Booster PRO can help you.

Your incoming visitors from Google are automatically tracked by SEO Booster PRO. It researches the current ranking of the keyword, and starts promoting the best suited keywords.

With the recently added v1.5 feature you can automatically boost your title-tags. It’s a very useful function for fine-tuning your WordPress Theme. The plug-in shows you the most popular incoming searches for even better onsite SEO. You can find keywords that can be targeted to further increase the number of visitors to your blog. You can save the data on a spreadsheet by exporting it.

With the SEO Booster PRO you can choose the settings that fit your requirements. The software upgrades are given to you for free. Whenever there is a new version available, you will receive it in your email. You are also given a personal license to use the software so you don’t have to buy it again for another blog.

You can ask any questions that you have about the plug-in through the website’s support page or you can send an email to .The price of the product is $29.95 and it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee.

For more info: Clever Plug-ins for Wordpress-SEO Booster PRO


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