Zero Waste Lifestyle: Sustainable Fashion! // While the most ecological option would be to walk around naked, I, a fashion academic, would argue that fashion plays a large emotional, tribal, and psychological part in our lives; as well as keeping our fur-free bodies warm! It's an extension of your mood, an expressive, artistic, communicative tool of your identity, and an external reflection of your inner growth and state of mind. Today's mission is to 🌟educate & inspire🌟 you guys to take leadership in your own fashion-conscious decisions, and make your own efforts to combat environmental issues by reducing, reusing, and repairing what you've got!⚡️πŸ‘  Help us keep this conversation & education going: share this video with any friends you think might be interested becoming a certified fashionable-eco-warrior too! ♻️🌍🌿 ___ // πŸ† I N T H E V I D E O πŸ† // ▸ CHECK OUT MY WARDROBE! ✨ | ▸ WOOLFILLER | ▸ FIX CROTCH OF JEANS | ▸ Rainbow Pants | Second hand Missoni ▸ Racer Jacket | Second hand ▸ Dress | Second hand and tailored ___ // ♻️ M Y Z E R O W A S T E F A S H I O N G U I D E ♻️ // ▸ ▸ MIRCO FIBRE CATCHING WASH BAG | ___ // πŸ”₯ S T A L K I N ’ πŸ”₯ // ▸ Instagram | @RogueGoneVogue ▸ Website | ▸ Facebook | ▸ £25 free on Airbnb (That rhymes?) | ___ // 🌍 W H A T I S Z E R O W A S T E ? 🌍 // It is a philosophy, lifestyle, and movement, that encourages individuals to critically reduce their everyday waste. Do as much as you can: you are still part of the Zero Waste movement! Everyone will have a different zero-waste journey. Don't be disheartened: start small with our top ten tips today!: ▸ A-Z LIST OF PLASTIC FREE ALTERNATIVES |πŸ™ŒπŸΌ ___ // ⭐️ D I S C L A I M E R ⭐️ // I have NOT and HAVE NEVER been given any product for free, or have been paid to promote a product. I BUY, TRY and TEST them all with my own time and hard earned money to help you guys, help me, in saving the environment!! ♻️🌍🌿 ___ Drone footage: Sammy Jane Freeman Photography Meditation 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:


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