12 Clothing Hacks Everyone NEEDS To Try! + Testing DIY Fashion Hacks 2017!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTSsLcn5lA 12 Clothing Hacks Everyone NEEDS To Try! + Testing DIY Fashion Hacks 2017! Hey guys! So today I have a bunch of really awesome and easy fashion hacks to make sure you and your clothing are sorted. I have a DIY bra hack for backless clothing, hacks to make hats smaller, ways to remove stains and solve all your fashion problems! I also know you guys loved my videos testing BuzzFeed hacks SOOO I tested some popular clothing hacks too! I hope you find these DIY life hacks helpful for all your clothing struggles! Love you guys xoxoxo My Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2jPDqN2 Are you you following me on Snap or Insta? Snapchat & Instagram: @sarahjanebetts _________________ 10 Ways To Have the BEST 2017! Room Decor for Organization, Life Hacks + More! - http://bit.ly/2jutG7m _________________ CHRISTMAS PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/2ffHVOQ - DIY Christmas Room Decor! Easy Decorations For The Holidays! 2016 : http://bit.ly/2fV8195 - HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY + Gift Ideas / Gift Guide For Christmas 2016! Gifts for Teens & Affordable Gifts! http://bit.ly/2gbWU9C - 10 Easy Christmas Room Decor DIYs 2016! Cheap and Easy - Holiday Room Decorations! http://bit.ly/2gsxoj9 - 10 DIY Holiday LIFE HACKS You NEED To Try! Christmas Hacks 2016! Decor, Treats + More! http://bit.ly/2g6AkBr - DIY GIFT IDEAS 2016! Cheap + Easy Gifts For Family & Friends This Christmas! https://youtu.be/a3xQlF9RL60 ____________________________________ BACK TO SCHOOL VIDEOS! - 10 Back to School Life Hacks! 2016! Easy Life Hacks + DIY Life Hacks You Need To Try! - http://bit.ly/29RiJXF - Back To School Supplies Haul 2016! + GIVEAWAY! (Stationery Haul for School!) - http://bit.ly/29XtjzT - DIY BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2016! + What's in my Emergency - Kit for School! Pencil Pouch / Case! - http://bit.ly/29KDN2Y - 10 EASY DIY SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR BACK TO SCHOOL 2016! Binders, Notebooks, Pencil Case, Organization! - http://bit.ly/2aaRcpC ___________________________ MUSIC: The music used within my videos is either copyright or royalty free, and/or I have gained permission via record label or individual artists. Song: Fransis Derelle - Fly (feat. Parker Pohill) Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link: https://youtu.be/BEvkowdXijA • https://soundcloud.com/fransisderelle Song: Culture Code - Make Me Move (feat. Karra) Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link: https://youtu.be/vBGiFtb8Rpw Download: http://NCS.lnk.to/MakeMeMove Song: Jo Cohen & BW - Glowing At Night Music provided by NCS: https://youtu.be/bwrCCc6hWKo Download: http://ncs.lnk.to/GlowingAtNight Artists: https://www.fb.com/josephcohenmusic + https://soundcloud.com/iambq Phantom Sage - Away (feat. Byndy) Provided by NCS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU3pU... • https://soundcloud.com/phantomsage • https://soundcloud.com/byndy Transitions credit to: Gabrielle Marie http://bit.ly/29BjALJ _____________ This video is a 12 Clothing Hacks Everyone NEEDS To Try! + Testing DIY Fashion Hacks 2017! but over the next few videos you can expect to see Ways To Have the BEST 2017, Life Hacks for 2017, How To Be Fit and Healthy in The New Year, New Years Resolutions for 2017, Giveaway videos, Clothing Haul + Fashion Lookbook videos, A DIY Room Makeover for 2017 with Organizational DIYs and DIY Hacks, A Morning Routine, Night Routine and Day In The Life video + more! _________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: sarahbettsinquiry@outlook.com Want to send me something? Here is my postal address! :) PO box 539, Newfarm, QLD, 4005, Australia



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