Top 10 Most Important Moments in Music History Top 10 Most Important Moments in Music History Subscribe Bob Dylan going electric. Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk. Queen at Live Aid. Elvis Presley singing Hound Dog and gyrating his hips. Beethoven debuting his 9th Symphony. Nirvana on MTV Unplugged. All of these are influential moments in music history. Without moments like the Sugarhill Gang reaching the Top 40, we never would have had rappers like Kendrick Lamar or the Notorious B.I.G. Without Madonna performing Like a Virgin on the MTV Awards, we never would have had Britney Spears singing Baby One More Time. Music legends like Johnny Cash, The Who, Freddie Mercury and more mad moments that shaped music history, and changed modern music forever. WatchMojo is picking the most important moments in music history; check it out to see if your favorite music moments made the list! If you want to see moments in music history that impacted the music industry, like Kelly Clarkson becoming the first American Idol, the launch of MTV or Apple introducing iTunes, check out our Top 10 Moments in the Music Industry: WatchMojo’s social media pages: Watch on WatchMojo: Check out the voting page here: Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here: WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!


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