CURRENT FALL FAVES | Makeup, Fashion, & Music! 🍂 Start your 30 day free trial with Audible: HEY GUYS! I'M BACK! I'm so sorry for not posting in a while, but anyways today I'm catching up with ya'll and showing you guys some of the things I've been loving lately! That includes my new fave eyeshadow palette, to clothes, to the songs I've been jamming out to recently! Hope you guys enjoy :) 🎶 FOLLOW ME ON SPOTIFY 🎶 DENIM SHORTS: THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! I love you all so much! Subscribe for more videos! ♡ ____________________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: ❏ What camera do I use? — Canon G7X (for vlogging), Canon T5i (for regular videos) ❏ What do I use to edit? — iMovie for videos, PicMonkey for thumbnails ❏ How old am I? — 19 (when this video was posted) ❏ What school do I go to? — San Jose State University (sophomore at the time this was posted) ❏ What am I majoring in? — Kinesiology (switching into Business!) ____________________________ FOLLOW ME: ➫ Instagram: sanfrankrisco ➫ Twitter: sanfrankrisco ➫ Snapchat: krissswashere ➫ Spotify: krissswashere ➫ Soundcloud: sanfrankrisco ____________________________ FTC: Thank you Audible for sponsoring this video! FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: Email:


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