Electro Swing Radio 2017 24/7 Music Live Stream

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YoUS9QofXM Electro Swing Radio 2017 Gaming Music ► If you want to support me and my channel and help me pay for the server upkeep, feel free to donate: https://www.tipeeestream.com/7clouds/donation * Donations are appreciated but never needed. ► Nightbot commands: !song !donate !swingmix !quote #1 (1-10) !gb !weather !8ball - ask question, will give random answer !like !love !pancake !pizza !goldmedal !donuts ► Top Donators: Donations Bot......$74.00 BlackGirlsRule.....$67.00 Frederecksen.......$46.00 Daniel Schulz.......$35.00 ● Contact: monstafluffmusicnetwork@gmail.com



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